
In the spring of 2007 my daughter, Shana, was diagnosed with Wilms cancer, which became a very large tumor. She was 23 at the time. The odd thing was that Wilms is considered a cancer that usually strikes very young children, so it was unusual for someone her age to get it. One of the better results of this diagnosis was that Shana was treated (successfully) by pediatric doctors and nurses, and her appointments were at the local pediatric clinic. On the few occasions when she was hospitalized, she stayed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. We therefore, all of us who cared for her and, of course, Shana herself, experienced the best and most outstanding care any patient could possibly receive. Pediatric oncology staff are remarkable. They have a very high standard of caring, not only for the patient, but also for the family. So in all of this, we were blessed.

During our 15 month journey to health, we picked up some very helpful pointers and discovered a few on our own that helped to make the chemotherapy trips a little easier to bear. This blog is our way of sharing those tips with you.

1 Comment »

  1. mkdanaher said,

    how pleased I am to read your daughter is on her journey to health – and how thoughtful & generous to share your experiences – my very best wishes to both you and your daughter.

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